Women of Chin Portraits
Facial tattooing of women, once a common tradition in Myanmar's Chin state, has been prohibited since the 1970s. In 2019 I traveled with photographer Kyaw Kyaw Winn, who has passionately been documenting this fading art and its cultural significance. With each passing year, the women who bear these tattoos become more scarce. “Each and every pattern of a facial tattoo among the different Chin Groups is therefore a visual expression of belonging and identity, of the ability to endure pain, of having mastered different stages in live, of being a full member of the community with duties, privileges and status, of a particular beauty perception and – last but not least - of a certain spiritual and super-natural believe” Jens Uwe Parkitny (2017) Marked for Life , Myanmar’s Chin Women and their facial Tattoos
These are selected portraits I took around the remote regions of southern Chin State and the town of Mindat. Most of these portraits are from the Muen group, with a unique pattern of half circles on their face and rune like symbols. The Ubtu group tattoo the entire face with solid black ink, a particular painful practice especially on the eyelids.